DELLE ULTIME VISIONI CUTANEE is the final episode of a previous choreographic research developed
in the performance
prime visioni sottocutanee,
O | proiezione dell'architettura ossea and the installation
The performance is based on the presentation of an installation environment, applying in an analytical way the principle of reproduction
in the greenhouse. In this habitat the plant begins its life cycle, from planting and sprouting to obtaining the fruit which will
become protection, nourishment and a means of reproduction for the seed.
The action is divided into 4 chapters, which correspond to the representation of 4 landscapes: botanic, orographic, ethological, scenic.
In this visual and motory device, body and objects are subjected to exercises of micro and macroscopic manipulation,
exposed through the use of a modular illumination which exerts a focus on a cracked, peeled, skinned, or exfoliated and irritated detail.
The scenic score develops along two principal lines of action, referring to the pictorial and choreutic aesthetic canons of the Renaissance
perspective and linear metric. The epithelial exercise on the table alternates to space and volume of the scene, in a kind of plastic
transposition of the body movement.